Monday, March 15, 2010

hello world.

so here it is, my first blog: twiddle+tweet. this blog is an extension of my recently launched shop ( and my NEW site, i am excited to use this feed as a way to learn more about me and the process in which i design and make my products. i have been collecting pictures to post so now it's time to play a bit of catch up. but first, here's a little bit more about me...

it's been a dream of mine to design and sell my own line of goods since a young tot. i've always loved to doodle patterns on the edges of all my papers and draw sketch after sketch of fashion ideas in my brightly colored lisa frank notebooks, but i never really knew where that could ever take me.

then, after gaining an education in graphic design while taking some additional fashion design classes, things started to connect.

i had never really considered printmaking in the past. i guess i didn't understand what the term "printmaking" really even meant until i became an addict of fashion and home design blogs and began to learn more about the designers featured in them. it was then, that i realized that printmaking was the calling for me.

since then, i've became a familiar face at my local library and arts/fabric stores. it's been a fun journey and i am still learning new things everyday. follow me in my exciting adventure.

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